MomWell Care Kit
Why are the Pregnancy Care Kit products and equipment necessary?
The MomWell Pregnancy Wellness Pack was developed to assist expecting mothers with a selection of FDA approved preventative care products and devices intended to relieve common aches and pains throughout the course of an entire pregnancy including the postpartum recovery period.
The Synergy Pregnancy Wellness Pack is extremely effective in helping to ease the uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy, including back pain, abdominal pain, inflammation and swelling, while reducing the likelihood of serious blood clotting complications such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolisms (PEs).
While our products effectively address and help alleviate the standard uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy, to promote a greater feeling of wellness, the most important component of this Wellness Pack is the compression device/products. These products serve to mitigate the development of venous blood clots (VTE) in the lower extremities that may result in more serious complications requiring a hospital admission. Recent studies indicate that pregnant women are at significant risk of this blood clotting complication. This research has guided Synergy in its development of this evidenced-based program to promote proper blood circulation in the lower extremities to avoid stasis of the blood and related inflammation and swelling.